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  White Peonies
Named  White 3/5 Eye Divisions @$6.00 EACH

 White Peonies.......FALL 2024

White Varieties:

Unnamed  3/5 eye white divisions @ $6.25-9.25

Named 3/5 eye white divisions @ 6.50-9.75

Some named whites may also be available in 5/8 eye divisions @ $9.75- $13.50

The MINIMUM ORDER  is 50  ROOTS TOTAL...25 DIVISIONS PER VARIETY, regardless of size.

Any order with less than minimum amount,  will be charged retail cost..$10 per division above listed pricing, (plus sales tax, estimated shipping cost, and must be prepaid)... 

Swedish Touch Peonies, 2972 Swedish Rd., Hamburg, Ia. 51640 ,  712-382-0403 cell, or email sjulinvicki@gmail.com  Wholesale accounts only